Kleinfeld Love Stories

Janet and Henok - 11/2/19

About the Proposal


October 20, 2018

It was a beautiful Saturday evening when my now husband proposed to me. He surprised me at Saro Maria Hotel located in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia in the bole area. That day, he told me that we were going out to dinner. My husband works out in the hotel’s gym so I assumed that when he was taking me there for dinner, he was just taking me since he goes there regularly. He told me to look nice and still I was not suspicious at all. Once we arrived at the hotel, we ran into his close friend. My husband told me he had to use the restroom and left me with his friend. While sitting with his friend, we talked about the gym and how big it was. His friend then told me that they had a larger gym located on the 2nd floor. He then told me that I should go up with him to take a look. I agreed and went upstairs. Once we got off the elevators, he walked me outside. I then asked where he was taking me because I knew the gym wouldn’t be outside. Before he could answer my question,  I stated seeing familiar faces all crowded up with the phones and cameras on me. In that moment, I knew it was time! The crowd then moved away and behind them was my husband bent on one knee. Soft music was playing and the decorations were beautiful! There were flowers on the ground that read “Would you marry me?” My legs started to shake and I was in complete shock. I started to cry while my husband told me how much he loves and adores me. I immediately said yes! That was the best night of my life!

About the Dress

Kleinfeld Consultant:


I wore Randy Fenoli’s Anastasia. Such a beautiful gown!

About the Wedding


November 2, 2019  //  


Addis Ababa, Ethiopia  //  


Mekonenoch Adarash

We got married in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia and had a big celebration. We took our vows in my husband’s church then went to the venue where hundreds of guests attended. It was the most beautiful wedding ever!

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