Our Consultants’ Most Cherished Memories

Here at Kleinfeld, our seasoned consultants help thousands and thousands of brides find their dream wedding dresses every single year. With each and every “yes!” moment comes many sweet, tearjerking, funny, and outrageous memories. We asked a few of our consultants to share some of their favorites. Read their stories, below.


With over 25 years of experience making brides’ dreams come true, Debbie finds its hard to pinpoint just one favorite memory. “It would be so difficult to pick my favorite memories because they are all so special,” she says. Instead, she recalls her own personal Kleinfeld experience, and meeting a very special woman: “The memory that comes to me immediately would be helping my own daughter find her gown— and actually watching Pnina Tornai ask her, ‘Lori, are you saying YES to my dress?’ I actually have that on video and I secretly watch it now and then!” say laughs. “The other very special memory was meeting Former First Lady Michelle Obama as I helped her assistant find her perfect wedding gown. It was amazing!” she exclaims.



Zoey—Jamie Levine Photography

For Zoey, being a consultant on TLC’s Say Yes to the Dress, it felt extra special for her to say ‘yes’ to her very own wedding dress after helping so many brides on the show do the same. “The first thing that comes to mind was when I got to have my very own “yes!” moment,” explains Zoey. “I was surrounded with my fellow consultants and my loved ones and couldn’t help but cry happy tears. I loved having a full circle Kleinfeld ‘say yes to the dress’ moment. I always rewatch the videos and have a huge smile on my face,” she explains.


One of Paula’s favorite memories doesn’t actually involve a bride shopping with her, but the experience after her bride said ‘yes!’. “One of my brides back in 2015 really left a lasting impression. Her dad sent a photo of the bride and groom saying their vows in real time, straight to my phone!” says Paula. “It was so nice of him to think of me during the ceremony!”


When asked to share her most cherished memory, Lisa made it a point to say, “You never know what you’re going to get yourself into working with all kinds of brides,” she jokes. “my favorite memory was going to Coney Island with Randy to attend one of our SYTTD bride’s wedding,” she explains. “She and her future husband were daredevils who loved going on thriller rides—something I’m not exactly fond of. They wanted Randy and I to go on this ride called the ‘Slingshot’ which was a ride they were going to go on first, dressed up in their wedding attire. Naturally I was terrified and would not commit to doing it until the very last minute. I agreed with much hesitation and was scared; I held Randy’s hand and kept my eyes closed the entire time.  When it was over and I knew I had survived and didn’t disappoint my bride or Randy, I was exhilarated, not to mention proud of myself! The wedding ceremony was beautiful and the ride was a once in a lifetime adventure. I love my job!”

Learn more about our talented and knowledgable team of consultants here.
Want to work with a particular consultant? Make an appointment and give us a call at 646-633-4300 to request your favorite!
Why our consultants recommend keeping your dress a secret
Questions you should ask your consultant while wedding dress shopping


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